Olson House Interview Intentional Grain

The People Behind Our Products: Intentional Grain Concrete Home Decor & Planters

Olson House Interview Intentional Grain
"In the evenings and on the weekends, I get to create with my hands, which is a great balance to the amount of computer work I do during the day (as an interior designer). It has been working out well for my creative self, providing me another creative outlet to explore within. A lot of my inspiration comes from every day encounters with furniture, fashion, nature - If you pay attention to your surroundings you can find inspiration in just about everything!" 
-Amanda of Intentional Grain
Olson House not only sources amazing products from across the sea, but also sells one-of-a-kind pieces from local makers as well. Through the close-knit interior design community in Milwaukee, shop owner, Teresa met Amanda and when she learned about her concrete art, it made such sense to have her as a contributing artist as her aesthetic is perfect for the store. 
Olson House Interview Intentional Grain
Olson House (OH): Tell us how Intentional Grain started?
Amanda: I'm an interior designer by day and much of my time is spent on a computer which has allowed me to miss the craft of making something with my hands. During graduate school, we made models all the time using a variety of mediums and I used a concrete material in some my projects which allowed me to become a little more familiar with the material. Now, in the evenings and on the weekends, i get to create with my hands which is a great balance to the amount of computer work I do during the day. It has been working out well for my creative self, providing me another creative outlet to explore within.
OH: What is your creative process? Where does your color inspiration come from?
Amanda: A lot of my inspiration comes from every day encounters with furniture, fashion, nature - If you pay attention to your surroundings you can find inspiration in just about everything! My creative process is ever evolving. I'll try new techniques, some of which turn out great, others need a few modifications or I discard them altogether. 
Olson House Interview Intentional Grain
OH: What is the best part about working with your hands? 
Amanda: I think the thing I love most about working with my hands and creating each item we make individually is that they are all unique. Not one item will be the same. I especially love our marbled items. The blending of the two colors turns out completely different each time. I always look forward to revealing the item from the mold to see the final outcome. 
OH: If you could pass along some wisdom on creativity that you've gained from experience to someone else, what would it be?
Amanda: Honestly, I think taking a break every now and again has helped me maintain a relatively consistent level of creativity. I feel like we can all become overwhelmed with life and everything that it demands; taking a break, allowing myself to detach, become inspired yet again and come back to my work with a new perspective seems to work really well for me.
Olson House Interview Intentional Grain
OH: What is your favorite thing to do in Milwaukee?
Amanda: Now that summer is upon us, I love taking time on the weekends to go to farmers markets. Getting outside and exploring other neighborhoods, all while finding local goodies makes me incredibly happy!
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