Collection: Froesen Creations

Jessie Froese of Froesen CreationsJessie Froese of Froesencreations has been an artist all her life. Born and raised in Racine, Wisconsin, Jessie has traveled around the world adding each place to her photography collection. She loves capturing the forgotten beauty of this world in many different ways. She dabbles mostly in ink, photography, watercolor, graphic design, and pencil. Each year of practice brings new techniques and ideas to her work, which consists of animals, people, and nature, the things that bring her joy. Jessie has had more than her fair share of health problems and uses her art as a way of therapy and to share her creative mind with others. Each of her pieces shows character, feeling and expression. “I love sharing this creative talent I was given with others,” Jessie says, “To see others react to personal projects or of those they love makes me feel my gift isn’t wasted.”

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